Note: This event took place on July 18th, 2024. While this event has concluded, you can explore our upcoming events and related content by clicking the link below.
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Fear is an important survival mechanism. But when misdirected, it can paralyse a person, locking them into a cycle of limitation and recurring misfortune.
Autism, ADHD and dyslexia frequently come with heightened fear mechanisms. Typically, there is a combination of factors at work, rooted in an interplay between the way the individual naturally thinks and learns, the environment surrounding the individual, and previous life experiences.

In this free webinar you will discover:
specific ways in which neurodivergent individuals experience the world differently from neurotypicals
how these differences can lead to exceptional talent as well as life challenges
how the Davis methods supply the missing pieces that empower neurodivergent individuals to become who they wish to be.
​Followed by optional on-camera "coffee meeting" for informal chat.

Session Presenter

Richard Whitehead, a Davis Dyslexia Specialist and Davis UK & Ireland Director, has over twenty years of experience with the Davis methods. He's also served as a Special Educational Needs Coordinator for six years and spent over a decade as a classroom teacher.
In his first book, "Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If? — The Dyslexic Blueprint for the Future of Education," he shares insights and strategies for supporting bright, struggling learners, drawing from his extensive experience in special education. His second book, "Counting On Fingers," co-authored with Ronald Davis, delves into dyscalculia's root causes and solutions through the Davis Maths Mastery Programme.
​Richard has written articles on neurodiverse learning for publications as diverse as Literacy Today, Green Parent Magazine and Personnel Today magazine and he has recorded video presentations on dyslexia for the Dystalk project (http://www.dystalk.com). He has conducted webinars on multi-sensory learning for Operation Diversity, the University of Chester and the SEND Group. In 2022, 2023 and 2024, Richard was a guest speaker at the Dyslexia Show in Birmingham.